810 Washington St. Third Floor - Stoughton, MA 02072
Office Hours: Monday 4-9 PM, Tuesday 9-1:30 PM, Wednesday 4-9 PM,
Thursday 9-1:30 PM and 4-9 PM, Friday 4-9 PM
All service offered at our Community Center is Free of charge. We simply could not afford to operate without the support of people like you. Your donation will help us keep the doors open and continues assisting our community. All donations are tax deductible.

Yu can make a donation using your credit or debit card .
Você pode fazer uma doação usando seu cartão de crédito ou de débito

Donations can also be made by check. Just write a check to New England Community Center and mail to ou office;
810 Washinghton St. #3 Stoughton, MA 02072
Você pode fazer sua contribuição com cheque. Cheques devem ser nominal ao New England Community Center. Você pode deixar aqui no centro ou mandar pelo correios para; 810 Washington St. 3rd floor Stoughton, MA 02072
Do you enjoy shopping on Amazon.com? If you sign up with this feature, you can support New England Community Center very time you shop at no cost to you! Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase on thousand and of items -- all you do is select the New England Community Center of Stoughton as your charity one time and then shop like you normally would. To learn more (or to sign up), follow these simple steps:
Instructions for enrolling in Amazon Smile:
Type smile.amazon.com into your browser.
Log in (or register if you do not already have a regular Amazon account).
Once logged in, you will be prompted to choose the charity to benefit from your shopping.
New England Community Center
Shop to your heart’s content!
NOTE: Bookmark smile.amazon.com. Logging into the site this way is how New England Community Center will benefit from your purchases. (Alternately, you will be prompted to switch over to the Amazon Smile site every time you log in to amazon.com and have chosen a charity.)
A partir de agora, a AMAZON estará doando para o New England Community Center 0,5% do valor das transações feitas através do programa SMILE. Basta que vc selecione o New England Community Center de Stoughton como a entidade da sua preferência.